Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking — Parking in Etobicoke Toronto

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Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking

Parking at 933 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J8, Canada, Etobicoke Toronto, Ontario, M9W 1J8 . Here you will find detailed information about Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Thursday
    Open 24 hours
  • Friday
    Open 24 hours
  • Saturday
    Open 24 hours
  • Sunday
    Open 24 hours


Based on 8 reviews


933 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J8, Canada, Etobicoke Toronto, Ontario, M9W 1J8
Etobicoke Toronto
M9W 1J8

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  • Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking satellite image

About Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking

Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking is a UK Parking based in Etobicoke Toronto, Ontario. Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking is located at 933 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J8, Canada,

Please contact Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Park N Fly Toronto Airport Parking

  • Audrey
    Added 2015.11.05
    I always have a good experience with park n fly. I would always suggest going online in advance and printing coupons from the park n fly website as it always save you money regardless of which lot you use. My most recent coupon that I have printed for a 20 day trip in April will save me over 60% for park n fly valet ($159 instead of $417).
  • Jaxson
    Added 2015.10.22
    Used both the self park and the other where I went to the lot with a little building they parked it and I paid and they brought the car out and started it for me when I got back and paid at the same building. Both were easy and car was safe. Use the discounts to get a better price under $100 as the regular price is very expensive. Used my CAA for a discount. Keep your receipts and lot number . Don't wanna forget those.
  • Brielle
    Added 2015.09.13
    Everybody's reviews on here seem to be accurate. I am simply trying to understand how to use Park n Fly and the only information I am able to find is Google reviews. I tried calling the Park n Fly number but of course, no answer like everyone else is saying. There's an answering machine, I suppose if they want to return your call after leaving a voicemail it is up to them. Not going to bother, not worth the risk of missing our flight or standing outside in the freezing cold. Nevermind not being promised the discounted rate on my voucher either.
  • Nicholas
    Added 2015.07.25
    The short story; we were lucky that we showed up at the location with a few hours to spare, because we would not have made our flight (by the mere seconds that we did) otherwise, after relying on this sham of a shuttle service.
  • Elijah
    Added 2015.04.13
    Taking the time to write this review so that hopefully others will not make the same mistake including this company in your trip as a shuttle/ parking service.
  • Grayson
    Added 2014.12.24
    I had to wait more than half an hour for a shuttle, which caused me to miss my flight. This was on a Friday evening; service should have been much more prompt. Not at all worth the cost
  • Jose
    Added 2014.05.10
    Ultimately, this set up is just another perfect example of why google reviews should allow a rating of less than one star.
  • Lucy
    Added 2013.08.02
    The long story; we arrived at the parkn’fly at 3AM on the morning of a 6:15AM flight to the US. We began waiting for the shuttle to arrive at one of the stations to pick us up and transfer us to Pearson, as promised in the service agreement filled out online ahead of time. We sat in the frigid Canadian outdoors in our Florida-ready gear for a half an hour before the first shuttle arrived and passed with no communication given, aside from the bus being visibly full. The ‘shelters’ that they provide do nothing to combat the cold air, and it certainly would have been more comfortable to wait in the car, but we had no way of knowing if the bus would be passing through soon or not. No signage, nothing on the website, and no way to contact anyone to ask. We could have effectively walked to the airport in the time that it took our transportation to arrive, but we had no way of knowing this upon arrival. Throughout this waiting period we pushed the intercom with the other customers a number of times, to which there was extended dialing and no response, because we were contacting outside of their office hours. We waited just over an hour in full, during which time two more busses would pass by with no update on when we might be picked up, such that the others that we were waiting with opted to pay for a cab instead, so as not to miss their flight. Already roped into paying $90 for a space in the lot and supposed shuttle services, we were reluctant to do the same. If we had not been pulled through customs quickly due to a random full bag search, there is no chance that we would have made our flight. This company does not have the right to ruin people’s trips, and should be ashamed that they do not warn their customers that there will only be two shuttles servicing a massive lot with clearly more travellers than they are capable of transporting in a timely manner.
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